Star Wars: Uprising for iOS and Android

Star Wars

For fans of the Star Wars films are already impatient with the release of the latest series of space-themed films may be waiting for a while to play the latest game from the Star Wars saga.

Official game titled Star Wars: Uprising developed by Kabam this is a Star Wars RPG game that takes time between Star Wars: Episode V: Return of the Jedi with Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

So, this game can be said to be an official part of the Star Wars Canon. Such as quoted from pages The Guardian, Monday (14/9/2015).

Star Wars: Uprising is a RPG games that can be played with other players around the world. Players can also create their own characters in this game.

Through the game, players can also explore areas that are well known in the Star Wars films.

This game is already available for all users of Android and iOS. The minimum version of Android to Android that can play this game is version 4.0 and above with large weekly approximately 531 MB.

As for the iOS, this game is already compatible with iOS version 7.0 and above with large weekly 637 MB.

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