a few days ago, game Fallout 4 Finally officially released. As a developer, Bethesda Game Studios reported if game Gunbound action role-playing this has solved two of his new record at once.
First, as many as 12 million copies of Fallout 4 has sold only within 24 hours. Secondly, Fallout 4 success enlisting as a game with the world's fastest selling of any game.
"Many retail stores have been telling us that consumer interest for Fallout 4 is so great. Fallout Pip-Boy Edition 4 scoring record as the fastest selling of any game, "said Bethesda party as quoted from Cnet (12/11).
The second of the record, Bethesda announced later if their income has reached more than USD 750 million. Revenue, according to Bethesda, derived from the platform of Xbox Live, PlayStation, and PC.
By comparison, popular games hosts other Bethesda is The Elder Scrolls v: Skyrim. At the moment of launch in the past year, the games are also American action role-playing it sold 7 million copies in the past 48 hours.
Video Fallout 4 - Launch Trailer :
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